Regional Leaders Network

Create Wisconsin needs your support!

Help us grow the state's creative industries through our new Regional Leaders Network.

Create Wisconsin’s Regional Leaders Network expands and advances Wisconsin’s creative capacity from the ground up by identifying, supporting, and connecting regional leaders and program initiatives as an interconnected community of small business practice and support.

Why Does Wisconsin Need This Now?

In 2020, national arts and cultural economic activity accounted for 4.2 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), or $876.7 billion. The most recent numbers for Wisconsin (as of 2022) were:

Yet Wisconsin is 50th out of 50 states (at ($.14/per capita) in per capita funding for the state arts council (National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, 2023).

Wisconsin must activate the economic, workforce, and community development benefits of the creative industries, through targeted, strategic efforts that are authentic, small-scale, connective, and community-focused.

In this time of social, political, and economic upheaval, the Create Wisconsin Regional Leaders Network will provide an essential pathway to connect, support, and celebrate Wisconsin’s creativity while imagining and embracing positive change toward a new future.

See your donation at work! Give today, and your contribution will provide long-term benefits throughout Wisconsin by:

  • Building the skills capacity of the next generations of creative workers and leaders

  • Providing strategic, consistent networked engagement and support 

  • Expanding the ranks of entrepreneurial creative workers throughout the state

  • Promoting quality of place and improving quality of life for workers and their communities


Invest in the Arts

“Small investments in arts and culture can leverage big dividends in the viability of rural economies. Arts and culture initiatives celebrate the rich history and culture of Wisconsin’s rural communities adding vibrancy for local residents and attracting tourism and development dollars.” – Beth Haskovec, Director, Office of Rural Prosperity, WEDC 

Find your regional leader!

Create Wisconsin regional leaders are representatives working in the arts, business, education, political, and civic arenas who are actively engaged in advocating for their community's creative economy as a whole – helping to uplift and connect creatives within their ecosystem to the resources and support they need to thrive.

Want even more info about the Create Wisconsin Regional Leaders Network? Read more here!